
Where to Find Eligible Millionaire Bachelors

        So you want to date a millionaire. That's great, but where do they all hang out? You're certainly not going to collect many phone numbers at the single's bar or bowling alley. Along with established personals dating sites, you can always scout around the following places. The more time you spend in the millionaire's environment, the more likely you'll eventually be introduced to the person who knows somebody who knows a guy...

       Country Club or Yacht Club Certainly the first place that comes to mind! Just about any recreational club for the well-to-do will not be shy about letting you know who's the wealthiest, most influential patron. In fact, they'll probably have their pictures framed on the wall in the lobby. As a bonus, you have an exclusive resort to hang out at, and when you're able to strike up a conversation with that wealthy single, you'll be able to do so in a relaxed, casual atmosphere. It's only a few steps from there to a date.

       Universities Most millionaires have an academic interest of some kind. Typically, they'll be invited to campuses all around the country to give speeches and addresses, even seminars. In addition, many millionaires are CEOs of companies who scout the universities looking for new talent, staffing their research and development labs, or keeping touch with the newest developments in their field.

       Volunteer and Charity Work This one is so obvious, and yet no one ever thinks about it. Where else would you have a chance of not only meeting a millionaire, but one who is generous and compassionate with a lot of free time on his hands? And would hence be ideal husband material? A huge percentage of millionaires volunteer their time and donate their money helping charitable causes, whatever it is that they're passionate about. Just look at the celebrities who get involved in public service work, for instance. Getting involved with charity organizations will both increase your social skills, give you a hand up in rubbing elbows with the more affluent, and even do some good in the world while you're scouting for your knight in shining armor.

       Political Committees Similar to charity work, you can always meet a few millionaires when you're on the campaign trail. Follow your local elections and note which candidates have the wealthiest voters, then join the campaign office for that candidate. You can have some fun rolling up your sleeves getting involved in shaping your nation's history, and at the same time you're more likely to be brought to cross paths with a millionaire who also supports your candidate.

      Church Well, the wealthy pray too, you know! And religion is a great equalizer - church services are not ranked by class and income bracket. Attend a few services in the right neighborhood, and you just might find yourself singing hymns next to the next Mr. Right.

       Art Events Steer clear of rock concerts and sporting events - much too crowded and noisy, and if the millionaire is a celebrity, he'll dislike being at such a rowdy event where he'll be pestered by autograph hounds. But quieter art events are a big draw for the wealthy. How about an independent film festival? There you have models, actors and actresses, producers, directors, and their sponsors, who of course are always affluent people who bankroll the productions. Art gallery openings are another great event to attend. Millionaires like to decorate their opulent mansions with the latest art, and they'll be attending these events as well. Art auctions and book signings are another "must see".

      Government Jobs When you get close to the base of power, you get close to the base of wealth, too. Along with politicians come wealthy lobbyists who want to use their wealth for influence, millionaires who are interested in running for office, and high-priced representatives of every profession - lawyers, caterers, and all manner of businesses that cater to the elite.

      These are all just ideas for places to scout. Don't go thinking that you can just flounce into church and ask the richest-looking guy there for a date. But combine this strategy with a good millionaire dating site - you have the contact online, and can easily arrange to meet at one of these events. Or you can meet your elite prospect in person, then scout the dating site for his profile. In either case, hedging your bets by supplementing your online pursuit with a real-life scouting will give you a hefty advantage.

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