
Millionaire Dating Tips - The First Phone Call

     Going through a romance with your sugar daddy has to go through certain levels that cannot be jumped, but rather should be followed according to this order:
     first, find a profile compatible with yours or you receive an email from someone you think is compatible with you; second, you email that certain guy you like or you reply to the email that a guy you like has sent to you; third, you exchange emails; fourth, you IM each other; five, one of you gets the guts to ask for the other's phone number; sixth, you talk to the phone for a few minutes to set-up a date; and seventh, you meet face-to-face.

     Now, if you have passed all four stages already,, what next. How about the fifth one? The phone conversation and asking for the phone number. Sound daunting?

     As with the question on whether or not it is okay for the woman to ask for a guys number, well, of course, it is. Especially if you feel like he's wants to ask you but is too shy to do it. It's not wrong if you make the first move.

     Why do you have to pass this stage and not jump it altogether? Actually, all stages are important, but with phone calls, it has a more personal ring to it, because there's evidence that your millionaire match exists outside the millionaire dating world.

     And as long as we're on that topic, while you may be tempted to talk for hours with your ideal match, try to restrain yourself and keep it to ten minutes tops the first time. This would create an aura of intrigue around you and he's be more interested in meeting you.

     Actually, a phone conversation has the main purpose of scheduling a date. And no, talking for hours on end about anything under the sun is not one of its lesser reasons. Save your conversations and long questions to when you meet face-to-face because phone conversation cannot inspire chemistry between two people. It is also a great way of seeing if you're really into your millionaire match. And after that, it's either in or out: you go on date with him because you find him attractive or you don't go to a date with him because you don't think you're both compatible for each other.

     Okay, so what kind of dates can you go for? When a guy says, "Do you want to do something with me?"?" it should send red alarms blazing through your head. "Do something"?! This guy has either no imagination or the "something" in his mind is not wholesome at all. Alright, back to the topic. Meet your date in a busy place and not somewhere too private. A coffee shop, pub or restaurant is a great choice. If you know that he's an outdoors-ey type of person, you can suggest a picnic, as long as you're comfortable with it too, of course. Okay, question: is it alright for the woman to set the date? Of course! Especially when he gives you the option of choosing the date for both of you. If your millionaire match is a gentleman, then of course, he's respect your preferences.

     Follow these tips and arrange your date with your SugarDaddie on the phone today. Are you still looking for real love & romance? Take your time and find the love of your life at Millionaire Dating, go here => http://www.sugardaddydatingsite.org

