
Defining Sexual Confidence Among Men - older women younger men relationships

        The overwhelming majority of modern men are pussy-whipped. This includes the entire population of “nice guys”. The most influential factor that aided in the creation of this class of men is feminism – which has been devastating the male society and trashing the gender roles. Feminism has given rise to a class of ball-busting bitches yelling about how they don’t need a man. This has lead to many men having charges filed against them for cat-calling and whistling at women walking across the street. We’ve seen these types of women blaming men for every single one of their problems.
        Basically, we’ve seen the destruction of male confidence – which was part of the feministic agenda. As society becomes more feminized, we see more and more young men being raised by single mothers who don’t have a clue about the male sex drive. The majority of these men can’t identify with or are taught to discard their natural masculinity. Today’s man is forced to totally let go of his balls and feel ashamed about having balls. He’s basically embarrassed to identify with his inherent male sexuality. There are no real men walking around.
        This destruction of the sexual self-confidence of man has resulted in this whole community of wussies, doormats and pussified men you find on websites like these. We have a society of men that are women-pleasers. These types of men cater to women – they are men who willingly hand over their male power just for a few measly crumbs of sexual favors or a nod of approval from women. The modern man walks around as if the ground is a minefield. He’s afraid of saying the wrong thing to women. He’s scared of actually showing a woman that he’s interested in her. He’s afraid that his actions will get him humiliated, rejected, scorned, fired from his job. He’s essentially afraid of his own true nature as a man. This emasculation of the modern man has resulted in the staggering fact that 85% of suicides in North America are men and boys -- men who choose to kill themselves rather than fight, and I mean fight, for what is naturally theirs.
For years now, us men have chosen to bend over with a jar of vaseline in our hands and take it up our collective ass to please women. We’ve chosen to bend over and pander to a self-serving social movement that can’t really solve any of society’s problems – a movement that goes against the biology and evolutionary imperatives that men posses.
         One thing that is for certain is that the overwhelming majority of today’s women are a lost cause because they have absolutely no idea of what it means to be truly sexual anymore. A woman’s sex drive can not even begin to compare to ours as men. The male body produces, on average, between twenty and sixty times more testosterone than the female body produces. Yet, these modern feminists still want to blindly push their feministic agenda on us men and feminize us men into submissive she-males. And now we’ve got an entire sector of the male population who are afraid of women – this includes the majority of you men who are reading this article.
        Our entity as men intends for us to be assertive and bold – particularly in our sexuality. That’s why we have this substance being produced inside our balls called testosterone. And you guys that aren’t hitting the gym – your testosterone levels are lower. Our essence of existence as men intends for us to be strong. It is our right and heritage as a member of the male gender to be men, to be strong, to be assertive, to be bold and sexual.Now, let me give you some truth pertaining to the women’s corner of this gigantic mess. Despite all the things women say they want and how they protest, the women have been sold the same bill of goods by feminism that we have.

        Women are now stuck with these cry-babies, these feminized men, these wimps. These men who are afraid to ask for a simple date – these men who are afraid to escalate into sex so that the women don’t have to feel guilty about giving up the pussy. And now, most men are afraid of looking at a woman’s body with sexual interest for fear of being sued or called a pervert. Women have scared us away from admiring their bodies. Despite all that, these poor women out there want a man who acts like a man. They want the real man to come back. If you penetrate the surface of a woman’s mentality, you’ll find that deep down, she doesn’t want her man to act feminine or girly any more than a guy wants his woman to act like a dude. Keep in mind that the women who started the feministic movement were lesbians.

        Us men need to stop letting women clip our balls’ off. It’s time for men to stop apologizing for being a fucking man. It’s time for us to stop walking around like we’re on eggshells. It’s time for us to become proud of our sexual natures and reclaim our sexual confidence. It’s time to put an end to the man who seeks approval from women. It’s time to put an end to those predictable and boring “nice guys” that women have trained us to become. It’s time for the man who calls his girlfriend every day or several times a day to go extinct. These types of men make it worse for us – calling a woman every day acting all clingy and needy. These men who try to buy their time and attention with meals and gifts to women need a good ass-kicking. These types of men who get nervous and insecure and overly nice around women. These men that become available at the drop of a hat – it’s time for them to get a rude awakening. These men who act like a woman’s friend instead of being her leader – instead of being her protector -- instead of being her man. These men that tolerate a bitch’s rude behaviour like cancelling /not showing up on dates or making excuses not to see them. It’s time for these men to grow some balls and kick that bitch out of his life.
It’s time, men – it’s time for those guys who go out of their way to please women in hopes of getting laid, time for those guys who let women control the relationship, time for those guys who are afraid that if they do something wrong, she’ll leave (as if that’s the end of the world). The time has come for these guys who grovel and beg and that get desperate for sex. The men that obsess about and over-analyze everything a woman says and does. Those guys that feel ashamed or guilty because they want some pussy. Those guys that let women manipulate them or treat them like a walking credit card. Those guys who can’t do their job during sex, who suck in bed. It’s time for ALL of these men to go. It’s time for the real man to come back. It’s time for my generation of men to change. It’s time to get sexual with girls once more.These aforementioned types of men are the direct opposite of sexual confidence. It’s at a time like this when a simple, old male proverb comes to mind: “If you treat a woman, you don’t know how to treat a woman.”Now that that’s all out of the way, it’s time to get down to defining what a real man is, or more specifically, what sexual confidence is among men. Do you want to know what sexual confidence is, guys? It’s what the bad boys have. The macho men. And I mean guys like me – those motherfuckers you can’t stand. Those “selfish, abusive jerks”, as I’ve been so rudely described as a few times. Those guys that women swear they hate, but where do you find these women? Right up in those guys’ faces. And with those guys, physical looks have little to do with it in comparison to their personality. They’re bad boys. That’s what the majority of you guys out there need a shot in the arm of – a good dose of “bad boy”.
Now, the burning question here is: why are women attracted to these guys? It’s because a woman’s level of attraction to a man is influenced greatly by her emotions. Women have high levels of estrogen and, except for certain isolated situations, they think with their emotions. If you haven’t understood that by now, you probably never will. Let me say it again: women think with their emotions. Bad boys are sexually and emotionally exciting to a woman. They’re not like your boring nice guy asses. Being with a bad boy is like, as I overheard one girl talking to her friends about me, “being on the edge of a cliff all the time”.
So, what additional qualities do bad boys have? I’ll tell you. Hopefully, some of you guys can apply them to yourselves and kill this bullshit fear you have of women. Bad boys don’t kiss feet. They’re not door mats. They don’t make excuses for who they are. They’re oozing sexuality when women are around them. They are strong and are comfortable being men. Bad boys know their place in the hierarchy. They know that they’re what women want. They know that women want a strong, masculine man who is capable of making a woman feel safe around him. Bad boys are unpredictable and untameable. They can’t be tied down. A bad boy is not afraid of being who he is. A bad boy will never be pussy-whipped.
He has no interest in being nice and seeking a woman’s approval. He doesn’t try to get laid by being nice or sweet. That’s what makes him exciting – he doesn’t give a fuck about women – and that becomes a challenge in women’s minds. Women want to try and “heal him” or “change him for the better”. Women want to be the one that made a difference in his life. Ask yourselves, guys, right now, are you a challenge to women? Are you making them go crazy over you? Do you keep them guessing? Or have they already figured you out? Not answering their calls is one of the things I do. Not answering their calls, not calling them back, onlycalling them back when I want some. A bad boy doesn’t trade money or gifts for some pussy. He doesn’t take women out on traditional “dates”. He doesn’t buy her dinner and then hope to get some action. By the way, there are women who will take advantage of men like that. They’ll date guys but not give them pussy. Anyways, a bad boy is always in control of his relationship. He knows that a real man has control over his own life. He doesn’t ever let a woman walk all over him. Another trick I use is to constantly not be available. Bad boys aren’t available, they’re Unavailable.
        Another crucial element of a bad boy is that he never tolerates a woman’s bullshit. He can see right through their bullshit, call them on it and then walk the fuck away because he DOES NOT NEED the pussy. How many of you guys let women get away with shit just because they have the pussy and you want to hit it a few more times? Those of you who do that have sold your balls and are exactly the type of man I talked about earlier. Stop doing that! A bad boy has the ability to radiate sexuality and sexual confidence. Women will know he has confidence just by looking at him. He’s not afraid to look at a woman with strictly sexual interests because he knows that he can give her the best orgasm she’s ever had. That type of confidence should be exuding from your body in everything that you do – the way you move, your body language, the way you talk, the way you dance at parties/clubs, etc. Bad boys demonstrate true male dominance and sensuality that only a man can have. How many of you guys can get on the dance floor in a club and do that to a woman when you first meet her? When you truly understand that power, you’ll see why I have a 100% lay rate with girls I go after at social settings. If I take a girl to the dance floor, I get the pussy, unless I see another girl that interests me more, which has happened a few times. Mind you, I only pursue girls that come off as submissive. Those are the girls that bad boys want. We want that type of girl so that when we get in the bed, it’s on. Bad boys aren’t going to fight a bitch in bed. They expect a woman to lay there and let a man do what a man does to a woman to get her off.Bad boys don’t ever let girls dominate them in bed. Bad boys rarely let the woman go on top and ride him until she

gets her climax. He gives her the climax. A bad boy gives a girl the best orgasm she’s ever had, whether she wants it or not and makes the girl dependent on him in bed. A bad boy is a natural leader, he’s not a follower. Bad boys do their own thing. They don’t have a problem flirting. They don’t care if they score, either – because they know there are others that will be willing to wait in line. Bad boys want sex, but they DON’T NEED it. They aren’t desperate and grovelling for it. Most women accuse bad boys of thinking with the head between their legs instead of the one on their shoulders. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It is the nice guy that doesn’t have control over his dickhead. The bad boys use the head on their shoulders to evaluate their situation. The bad boy has the self-control to up and leave a girl out of the blue if he wants. The nice guy doesn’t – he just tries and tries over and over again to please a woman by being nice and doing sweet things for her in a desperate attempt to get laid. A bad boy will NEVER beg for sex. A bad boy will never apologize for who he is, no matter how much it pisses of a woman. A bad boy acts like a man around women, not some wimpy nice guy. The nice guys end up as friends

because they lack masculinity. Women don’t see the nice guy in a sexually attractive way because he’s lacking male confidence and dominance.The bottom line here, is that bad boys are sexually confident men who aren’t afraid to be themselves or to exert their natural male sexuality. Neither do they care about what society thinks of them. Let that sink in, guys. My main message to you guys today is: act like a man around women. Step up like a man and be a man, walk like a man, talk like a man. When a man becomes confident about his sexuality, he immediately asserts his independence and individuality. When you do that, you become more selective. Ever notice how bad boys rarely chase after girls? They

just end up with girls. Think about it and remember all the bad boys you’ve seen out there. They rarely chase pussy, most of the time the women flock to the bad boys. The nice guys are the ones that do the whole song and dance and end up with all the rejection. The women throw themselves at bad boys because they can recognize a real man – and women love to get fucked by real men. That’s because a real man will take her to her sexual limit. He’ll have the bed quaking and have her shaking when it’s over – not some nice guy who says “oh, baby did I hurt you?” Bad boys are a challenge to women in bed also. The women try to work to satisfy him because they want to
keep him.In closing, I’d like to address all you nice guys who read this. Right now, if you change yourselves from a nice guy to a sexually confident bad boy, you’ll be changing yourselves from a doormat to a challenge. Which do you prefer? So, nice guys, you can do what you’ve always done and keep getting what you’ve always gotten. Or you can change. If you want pussy, you’ll want to change. All you’ve got to do is let go of your childish fears and be the man that nature intended you to be.
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