
Sexual Assault - Get It Straight - older men dating younger women

There have been many questions lately concerning sexual assault which indicate that the broad majority of people are largely ignorant about sexual assault issues. This is sadly representative of the greater community (wherever you live). For those people who have an opinion on sexual assault, or think they may have been sexually assaulted, this article is for you.

Firstly, a quick analysis of the components of sexual assault:
        1.An act of indecent sexual behavior: this can be anything from indecent exposure, cunnilingus, looking at pictures to full blown penetrative sex (either anal or vaginal). For any Aussies reading this, refer to Part 3 of the Crimes Act 1900.

        2.Lack of consent: while the most obvious lack of consent is verbal (spoken), you can have implied lack of consent too. Think of a situation where a woman is being raped by an abusive man; she may not want to say no but she just lies there and cries.

        3.Consent can be withdrawn at any time during the act: therefore, even if you consented initially, you can still withdraw consent before the man ejaculates. For example, you might have consented initially, but then he becomes rough and abusive so you withdraw consent by saying 'no'. If he continues it is legally classified as sexual assault or rape.

        4.Consent is subjective: meaning that it is something that the person and that person alone feels. Not how a reasonable person would act in the same situation.

Secondly, there are published facts about sexual assault that would be beneficial to mention. Please note that I have not just made these up but they are based on other people's extensive research on sexual assault. Methodologies such as surveys, victimization reports, police data, focus groups etc were used to collect this information. Moreover, this information is reasonably representative of Western communities, but the statistics are higher in non-Western communities such as Africa for example.
•80-90% of sexual assault is against females in the age bracket of 15-30
•90-99% of offenders are male, with a median age of approximately 33.
•Approximately 60% of assaults are by a person known to the victim
•60-70% of assaults by known assailants occurred in the home. 55% of assaults committed by a stranger still occurred in the home. Please note, however that it may not be your home where the assaults are occurring, but a residential setting nonetheless.
•99% of assaults do not involve a weapon of any kind
•85-90% of sexual assaults go unreported

Thirdly, there are several myths about sexual assault which need to be dispelled:
1.The woman 'asked for it': This is never accurate. No matter what she was wearing, whether they were in a stable relationship or not, a woman never asks to be assaulted. If it feels wrong, it is wrong.

       2.Rape happens because men can't control their sexual urges: There is no evidence suggesting that men can't control their urges and the vast majority of sexual assault is about control and power over another person not sexual desire.

      3.Sexual assault is about sexual urges: Sexual assault is about violence, anger and power, not passion.

        4.Sexual offenders are 'creepy': There is no way to 'spot' a sex offender and they come from all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.

        5.Women often report rape to 'get even': only 2% of reported assaults are 'false' and keep in mind that only 10-15% of sexual assaults get reported.

        6.For more myths, see Sexual Assault Myths

So please, for the people that like to get on their high horse about rape, make sure your facts are accurate. And for the ladies (or men) that have been sexually assaulted, please report it. It was not your fault and people will not judge you for being assaulted in any way shape or form. Just because you have been assaulted does not make you into a slut, no matter what anyone says.

Sexual assault happens. It happens to smart people, dumb people, sexually promiscuous people or virgins. It can happen to children or grandparents, men or women. There is no need to further shackle people with false, misleading and misguided information as it just perpetuates a level of acceptance.
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