
Sugardaddies Dating Advice For Ridding Yourself Of False Romantic Notions: Is Love Only A Feeling?

  • Romance makes life more exciting and happy. There should always be room for some romance in your life no matter how busy you are or how hectic your schedule may be. But does romance make love complete? Is love for your Man and Women enough to make a relationship with them work out? Are your emotions enough to guide you through all your romantic decisions?

  • Sometimes, our false notions of the feelings of love and romance hinder us from really connecting with another person and building up a real, lasting relationship. So let's take a look at one of the biggest false notions about romance and love, that plagues singles today:

  • False Romantic Notion: "Love is only a feeling."

  • Well, sure, this is somewhat true since love is, after all, first and foremost, an emotion. A feeling. But true love goes beyond that.

  • Of course, at the start, when you've met someone that you could really connect to, then you would know love by the way you feel for that person. You feel it through the way you connect to each other as you go on communicating. You can feel if you have chemistry with each other through your online communication via e-mails and chat. This connection and chemistry builds up the feeling of love for a person. So much so that the feeling of love sometimes get confused with passion or strong attraction. Initial attraction, plus a good connection and lots of chemistry can and will develop to a feeling of love.

  • However, it is also important to know that true love is more than just a feeling. You may ask, "If love is not just a feeling, then what is it?"

  • True love is a decision. It's a conscious effort to prolong your connection with your partner. It is a decision to stay with the person that you feel connected to when the time comes that life becomes difficult and may overwhelm you both. It is a decision to stay through the good times and the bad, to stay committed to your partner. It is a decision to work together on your chemistry to make your feelings grow stronger and to make your feelings for the other person mature. It is a decision to support, love, and cherish each other until you both turn old and grey.

  • Don't misunderstand though. The feeling of love doesn't have to vanish in a long-term relationship. However, this giddy and good feeling may sometimes be drowned up by the unavoidable noise that real life has. What's important is to still feel strongly for the other person, to care for their welfare, even after the passion of new-found love and passion sizzles out.

  • Remember, while the goodness of new wine-and-roses love is important, the practicality of old soda-and-pizza love is no less important nor sweet. need help with your love-life? Don't leave it to fate! Register in an online dating site where sexy Sugardaddies want to meet you! Visit us today at => http://www.sugardaddydatingsite.org

