
You Dating ME - Dating a Younger Woman - Act Your Age

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Are you dating a younger woman and wonder what you have to do to continue pleasing her? Now that you find your self available, would you even consider dating a younger woman? It may come as a surprise to you to learn that there are women who prefer to date older men and here is why they do.

Act your own ageLove knows no bounds, not even age differences between couples. However, men who are dating a younger woman need to understand that they need to continue to act their own age when around a younger woman. Some women prefer older men because of the maturity level, others like the financial security and still others like older men's personalities. Whatever the reason, older men need to just continue to act naturally and not try to change their behavior to closer match the age difference.

The power of personalityIf you have a powerful personality you will be like a magnet for younger women. Fortunately for older men their personality traits permeate naturally. A kind heart and a warm smile or an empathetic ear, when no one else will listen is exactly what some women are looking for in a man. Additionally, if you are able to get along well with her friends and family through your personality traits the younger woman will not consider the age difference as much of a factor.
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A great sense of humorAnother strong personality trait that is advantageous for the older man is a great sense of humor. The man that can find humor in the everyday perils that life tends to throw at us will have an advantage over younger suitors. It is no unspoken secret that women who date older men say that it is their sense of humor that makes them want to be around the older man. If you are able to make her smile, you will make her happy and she will want to date you more often.

Older men are financially secureFor young women who like the finer things in life an older, financially secure man fits the bill nicely. Some women go through their whole lives without experiencing the taste of a $150.00 bottle of fine wine or a five course meal served up by the finest chefs in the world. These young ladies feel an insatiable need to experience the finer things in life that older men can provide for them. These women know exactly what they want out of life and difference in their age does not matter to them.

Older men seldom strayThis reason may surprise some men. Women who date older men do not have the same worries about their men straying from them. Now that's not implying that older men have a harder time finding women to have affairs with, what they really men is that older men tend to be more stable. After all, if an older man has managed to start dating a younger woman, it doesn't make sense for them to ruin the relationship in such a way.

Dating a younger woman is not as uncommon as people may think. The thirty year old man dating the twenty year old woman is commonplace. More women are putting security and maturity above youth and masculinity. They are looking for a man who is sincere and will give them as much of their attention as they desire.

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